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The Cheat's Guide To Hapland - Hapland 1


On the right hand side of your screen there's a big old yellow arrow. Click on the trapdoor above it to open it, and then click on the yellow arrow itself. A man will pop out! Aww, isn't he cute. Well don't get too attached to him, because if you're not careful he'll be killed horribly...

Ok, so you're by a lever. Click on the stick man and he will pull the lever which fires a missile, knocking over the bridge. Then click the firing tube on his cannon, pointing it upwards towards the bell, and click on the window on the far left to open it. Get the man to pull the lever again, the missile will hit the bell and the door of the house will open. Woot!

Now, point the firing tube down again. Here's an important note: if you click the bridge, it will move! Try it now to get the hang of it.

*TIMING NEEDED!* Get the stick man to pull his lever again, thus firing the bomb. Click the bridge when the bomb hits it to dispose of the bomb. Repeat this for the next bomb. Pull the lever again and a dark blue key will be fired into the hole at the bottom - the little man in there will be all like, "Wow!", his little exclamation mark will flash and he'll open the door.

Right, next click your man by the lever and he will get himself stuck in his own cannon, the silly man. But guess what? If you press the yellow arrow again, you get ANOTHER man who will go and stand by the lever. Bonus.

*TIMING'S GOTTA BE GOOD!* What you need to do is point the firing tube upwards, and get your man to pull the lever - he'll fire the other guy upwards. But watch out! You need to click the pointy thing (next to the bell) just before the guy gets there or he'll be impaled. Oops.

So now your guy's up by the bell. Click him! He'll push the bell over to the right. Now click on the bell a few times and observe what happens... Boom! There goes the mine. Next, click on that big red arrow that's hanging on the left of the screen and it will switch to point right. Click on the open door and out comes yet another little stick dude, who goes into the central house. Time for the last bit...

*TIMING IS ESSENTIAL!* So you, want to get your underground man into his house. But there's a problem! DO NOT click on him now or he will get run over by a dog thing on wheels. What you will need to do is click him and the dog thing will fall out of the crate: then IMMEDIATELY click on above. The guy in the house will slam the window, dropping the vibrating sheep/rock onto the evil monster.

The little guy will be way happy and run home to light his torch. Then voíla! Your portal will open and the sun will spin around! I bet you're so happy you went through all that... :-)


Loved it? Good. Now head to www.foon.co.uk and give Rob some credit for making it. Or even better, give him some cash! :-P

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