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How NOT to complete Hapland

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10 Ways To Fail Miserably At Hapland...

1. Play the game at www.fon.co.uk

2. Click on everything that you can possibly click on successively until your hands fall off.

3. Yell stuff about mines at Robin until he gets so annoyed he sends your computer a deadly virus.

4. Get your cat to play the game for you.

5. Just keep clicking the little stick guy repeatedly until he realises he has a pointless existence and commits suicide.

6. Give up after one try.

7. Hire a crack-team of ninjas to hunt down everyone else who plays it so that you'll be the best in the world, even though you can't even make anything happen.

8. Kidnap David Beckham and force him to play it. He'll never figure it out.

9. Try playing the game on a real mine-field to "really get into it."

10. Don't even bother turning your computer on.


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