Don't have anything specific to say? Then fill out my form! No really, please do. I'm all alone here.
More comments (and recievers of pie, triangles):
William Moore - Is happy but scared. "I really liked the "peeps a-z" section. The poetry section frightens
me. I was very relieved to see a good website on tripod, though. I wasn't sure if it was possible."
Teh Awesome, from the time before plants and licorice - sure is awesome! "You're even more awesomer than me. And
that's a hard accomplishment."
One who PWNS everyone, age unknown - was here by accident! "Teh strange UK people! :D Enjoyable too! Get them while
supplies last!"
Spaz102 - in a box in a box in a box. "mmmmm other...i is also random, and say pie too much, so now i use hamster.
;) doorframe boxers lick at a ray of book."
Moosey, *Age* - at the eiffel tower, where else? " Hapfairy is cool. You should all go and buy merchandise. Especially
commemorative plates and pies. With gold leaf. Uhuh."
BlondeJoey of Lincoln - randomly dropping by. "hey hapfairy, great website. go join the forum people!"
Moon - of the Moon. "This is too weird for me. I'm not going to comment."
Mr Happy, Mr Men Land - caught a ride on the holy pie van. "Hohoho, merry pancake day."
Jiii, Mmm.. - a.k.a Yasmin. "ghgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhelp
gelp hgepl help!"
(It's probably best to point out that she was being strangled when she wrote that.)
M O O (possibly), 154 - is after those triangles! "*cough* Hi, I'm a loser. Hapfairy's eye shall take over the WORLD!
Or we'll all die alone. :P" Oh M O O, I'm sure you're not a loser. Have more self-esteem!
aktor_shift2, from sunny CA - fell off that darned horsebox."PANG!!!"
Kirbie, 126 in dog years - of Franstralia! "Oh Emm Jee! a Hapbook! I haven't seen one o' these in f'shizzles o' years!
OMG! A HapBook! I haven't seen one of these in a while
Oh, fuh' ah, innit, fuh-kan' oh, fuh' innit mate, just ah mint. a Hap-fuh-kan'-Book, oh innit bruv. Not seen this fer
fuh-kan ages. ah, bruv innit, like totally fuh-kan innit."
Dr No,lucky thirteen - is insane, thank goodness. "Well, I was wlking down the street with my pet aardvark, and I
got this strange inclination that I had to get a botox capsule for my step-aunt's-grand-nieces's-horse's-vetranarian's-friend's
NASA project, so I went to bed." Well said!
Anony_Floyd, immortal at 42 - horsebox again. "B'lial! [repeat many times]
Too many people get pwned when they don't know what a man means when he says he's got to do something important!"
Gargh, 3x+17 - says 'Boogaloo!' in the style of Tom Baker. "Comment: eccentrically random site. Excellent. Couple
of the poems and crazy doodles are my favourite. Quite hapified."
Ryan of Nova Scotia - dropped by randomly, as do many. "what's different between this and the feedback section? right.
Enjoyed the site, worrying though at your silly section........
and I thought I was too influenced by douglas adams..."
[The point of the silly section is to scare everyone. :-P]
Bobaloo (Andrew) - came here by other! "Hey, I like your site. Forever shall you take place in my mind, which makes
me happy because that place is currently very empty." <Visit this guy's site at>
William, The Merica - of the happy site "I r luv ur draw
box and ur text box. They r many funs. I like lots ur draw box, but it breaks? w/ many lines drawn. -sad-
I r also drawing mine on silly? pictures. Yay!"