Welcome to my world. Here are its inhabitants...
Ever found yourself lost in a certain high school in the UK and wondered, "Just who are these people? Who do I trust?
Who's cool and who ain't?" Well, Peeps A-Z is your official guide and companion. Check out who's who...

Really Great
These people may look quite depressed, but trust me, the chances are that they're actually clever and very entertaining! They've
probably got a few Pie jokes up their fishnet sleeves also. Basically Goths are pretty awesome, unless you encounter a Trev-Goth...
this rare species hangs out with Trevs but thinks it is a Goth. They should probably be avoided.
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.

Totally Awesome
These people are really really Hap. They shout random things, sing silly songs and poke people. They're probably quite intelligent,
but they wouldn't want you to know it. You'll probably find one lying on the floor laughing their head off. Hapsters are shy
creatures when they don't know what they're dealing with, but when they find a fellow Hapster they are most likely to yell
a random word and run away.
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.

Quite Cool
These people are often nice but hard to understand. You may need a Trendy -> Hap Translator (Priced @ £50 from http://freakheadcentral.tripod.com/dznactri)
to understand their lingo. The words "Gucci" and "Prada" will probably be mentioned several times in a
conversation. However, once you learn to understand them, they are often very nice people with a good sense of humour and
EXTREMELY good fashion sense. Everyone is jealous of a Miss Trendy.
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.

The Clever One
These people are the brains of the operation. Often found mixed in with Hapsters, they are friendly and funny and occasionally
spout mathmatical formulae at random intervals. Although you might need to shout "FROG BOX!" at them sometimes to
get them to not talk about their computer/latest scientific theory/Einstein memorabilia, the rest of the time they are awesome
people. Respect.
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.
Slightly Scary
And you thought Vicky Pollard was totally made up? Think again. Following the trail of pop music and large amounts of Impulse
body spray is likely to lead you to one of these. They can be quite intimidating, but are fine if you stay on their good side.
But watch out: get them annoyed and they will start spouting psycho trev babble in the form of "yeh but no but yeh i
never done it or sommin' or nuffin'...."
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.

Never to be confused with a Hapster. Scary Freak People are beyond help but are often quite amusing and have funny names -
or failing that, funny nicknames. Like Susan. Or Cow Face.
They may try and make you join some kind of weird club/organisation/star trek cult, so be warned and keep your flan-filled
socks at the ready to pelt them if they come near you with their membership cards and terrible fashion sense.
Click on the picture to see a LARGE (and scary) image.

Don't even ask.
Probably the worst type of Peep because they don't even have any defining features. They're just trying to be like everybody
else other than themself! Now that's just plain silly. If you try to be someone other than you, you'll fail miserably. Be
yourself, wannabes!
Click on the picture to see a LARGE image.
Remember, these people are the types of people found at MY school: they may be different from the types at your school!
(P.S: I do realise I've forgotten the Emos. If I still had it I would use Yasmin's delightful bottle of 'Emonade' as an
example. :-P - EDIT-- The Emos are now picturified!)
Here it is, an emo picture straight from the back of my geography book...

© HapFairy Productions 2003-2007 and beyond!, SCE