INTRODUCTION: It all started when I was having a small chat with *Uber-Spork on DeviantArt, and I asked her if she wanted
to go and attempt to get world peace by yelling at the Eiffel Tower in Lebanese. That ridiculous conversation resulted in
the following picture, and it has carried on ever since!

Moosey: Do you speak Lebanese now then?
Crystal: I speak great Lebanese.
Moosey: Oh, wow...
Crystal: I'm hungry.
Moosey: My face, for sure.
Crystal: Llamas rule the world!
Moosey: That's dutch, you muppet.
Crystal: I love you, Eiffel Tower!

Crystal: Walk like an Egyptian! Or not. My bones shouldn't bend that way...
Moonshine: Peace, love and chocolate for everyone!
Crystal: Totally. Now when's the next train to China?
Moonshine: Um, Crystal? That camel is scaring me.

Crystal: Together we will take on the world! Well, 7 parts of it anyway. You with me, Moosey?
Moosey: Only for another five minutes, I'm off to the Green Day concert! Rock on, sock puppet dudes!
Crystal: Ah, the sweet making of no sense. I think i will join in. Throw the spleen at the pantaloons, nugget brothers!
Moosey: My bass feels seaworthy. And like it should be wrapped in newspaper.
Crystal: I think the unsolved duck is stalking us.
Crystal: We take the world together! Being known, as that seven shares do not import those which arrive. Me, Moosey and?
Moosey: In just addition 5 parts, as for me there is no line of the green concert of day! Stone above, type of puppet
of socks!
Crystal: The soft production there is no direction of Amp2ereheure (wtf?). I think that I connect in. The spleen of the
pitch where the sibling of the pants and the nugget has been attached!
Moosey: My bottom you are moved by navigable. We should be wrapped in the newspaper and as he.
Crystal: I think that the unsolved duck chooses at our many.

Here's another one by Moosey...
Moosey: Woo, Taj Mahal!
Crystal: What's the white thing on your arm?
Moosey: Bandages, I mutated my shoulder at the Green Day concert. Carpet burn was also not my friend.
Crystal: Punk rock injuries, the best kind. Shove over, elephant shoe!
Moosey: I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Suburbia!
Crystal: Riiiight....whatever you say. Lobsters unite!
<Notice the Russians don't appear to have a word for Jesus or Suburbia.>

Moosey: Wow, I expected it to be more leaning. Like a stack of pizzas.
Crystal: Sort of makes you wonder why my legs don't bend in the middle.
Moosey: Wake me up when George Bush ends.
Crystal: It would be my pleasure. Now, let us get world peace by making a series of rubber wrist bands that say "Make
Not-Peace History" on them!
Moosey: Distortion of the speed, I must invite to be that it hangs more. Like a battery of tips.
Crystal: The species of marching asked why pie of piedini of the has mine nomeans.
Moosey: Sven ignited inside when George Bush concluded.
Crystal: It would be my pleasure. Hour, we obtain La Paz of the world that makes a series of Wendish them of
rubber of the wrist that says that "it makes history of No-Paso "ignorant them!

Crystal: So, Moose friend, we have ended up outside this old temple.
Moosey: Really Crystal, that does not explain why you are wearing that hideous prom dress. Are we not going to the Muse
Crystal: Oh crap, I am unloved. I mean, how can we tell for sure how many ducks there are?
Moosey: Sometimes I think that we have a pointless existence if all we do is wander around these wonders of the world
waving silly flags. We want world peace! We are going to need the heavy artillery. You grab the armadillo and the cheerleaders
and meet me at Burger King at midnight...
Crystal: Thus, Friend of mooses, we finish to the high aside remark of this temple old.
Moosey: It really are of the crystal, this does not explain that load because you carry a dreadful drss of ball students.
We do not go to concert of the MUSE?
Crystal: Excrement of Oh, I am unloved. I want to say, can he say for certain how much ducks there are
Moosey: To the times I think of that we have an existence unjustified if much of this is in the east. They wander in
lathe of these wonders of the undulating world, with flags idiotic. We want the peace of the world! We will need the heavy
artillery. You apprehend armadillo and cheerleaders and meet with me with the
king of hamburgers in the night...

Crystal: Go chopped pork and ham policeman! We will not stop in the fight for punctuation!
Moosey: Err, Crystal? You appear to have turned purple and cheesy. Also, there is a snail on my head. And...
Crystal: I have a dream that one day, on the black and white fields of a printed page, commas and apostrophes will be
properly placed. Never again will we see a sign for "Banana's" or "Book's"...
Moosey: That is very optimistic of you but DEAR GOD A LION IS TRYING TO EAT ME.
Crystal: Moosey, whatever your problem is, it can wait for punctuation. And stop talking in capitals, it's bad for the
Crystal: The pork meat and the officer where the ham is chopped up go! We do not stop for the punctuation mark swaying!
Moosey: Misunderstand, the crystal? Presently itself purple and cheaply it becomes the cheese. In addition, the snail
of my head exists. And...
Crystal: The page which has 1 day dream, is printed to be black and at the sector of white, the party and the apostrophe
- it is put appropriately. As for us concerning "the mpana'nas" in "book" the sign which is not seen under
any condition for the second time...
Moosey: But as for that you the God which becomes love it is the very optimistic place. The lion tries me who am eaten!
Crystal: It is Moosey and any your problem, as for that it is possible to wait for the punctuation mark. And stop the
capital city, that is the bad guy for digestion power.
By Moosey:

Crystal: Why are we standing outside the White House?
Moosey: Because that damned duck followed us from the great wall of China.
Crystal: Oh right. My hair appears to be made of lightbulbs.
Moosey: Now that you point it out, my toes are made of broccoli.
Crystal: So;why- are we lime green?
Moosey: So we stand out from the background.
Crystal: I'm angular.
Moosey: Indeed. Tomatoes rule the world.
In case you didn't notice, I'm <Moosey> the one on the right with the bass and spazmotic purple hair. I speak Portugese.
*crystalfalls <hapfairy> speaks German and is wearing a crown. So there.