Welcome to the Home of the HapFairy. Randomness abounds. Now with no added sugar!

Welcome, ladies and gents, to HapFairy Productions. Limited. All suggestions as to why the hell I added the Limited bit
should be written on a postcard and mailed to wherever you like, just don't stick a stamp on it.
If you are feeling a bit stupid or random then you have come to the right place. It would help if you filled in a form or
something, just to prove that someone actually went on this website.aND wot R THE CHanCEs of THAT HAPPEniNN???!!!1
*Ahem*. This site may seem like a load of crap and insanity to you, but in reality it contains more truth than when George
Bush stood up and announced to the world; "I'm an Idiot! DUH!!" (Copyright Mr Kakbarnf. Possibly. Did he copyright
it?) You may recognise me from other backwards sites no-one goes on where I am known, variously, by such oddities as "Crystal
Falls" and "Freakhead".
Friendly note: there is unlikely to be much new stuff happening on this site because I am working on transferring it all to
the So check there for updates!
Freshly baked:
- *Sigh* You wanted it, you got it. The HAPLAND 3 WALKTHROUGH is now in existence. Check out the Hapland section.
- Shameless Advertising
- The Forum is FIXED! Register now! (Thanks to Dollzmania for providing images)
- New reply feature in the Hapbook
- New Seven Wonders
- The HapFairy Hall Of Fame
- Edited News section and What The Hell
Looking for the chatbox? It's down the page!
