Every month, something will be featured. I just have to think of it. Crap.
The Funniest Interview
Catherine Tate displays exactly how boybands should be interviewed, featuring Lauren the trev and McFly... (Featuring presenter
guy Simon Amstell)
LAUREN: Why are you so rubbish? (laughs) No really, but why are you so rubbish though?
SIMON: That's not on. You were given a nicer question.
L: You think they're rubbish, though. Why don't you ask them why they're so rubbish?
S: I don't think they're rubbish, I like them.
L: Why don't you think they're rubbish? Do you think they're rubbish, though? Ask them if they're rubbish. You think they're
a bit rubbish.
S: I don't think they're rubbish. I really like them.
L: You think they're rubbish. You think they're a bit rubbish. Ask them if they're rubbish.
S: I think they're good. I'm a big fan. I don't think that at all. I think they're slightly rubbish, but no more than
that. I think you had a nicer question. Have you got another one for the boys?
L: Were you gutted when Charlie left? Are you gutted that Charlie left, though?
S: They're McFly, not Busted.
L: Are you calling me stupid, though?
S: No I'm not.
L: Are you disprespecting me? Are you disrespecting my family?
S: I'm really not.
L: Are you disprespecting me? Are you disrespecting my family?
S: No.
L: Are you calling me a pikey? Are you calling my mum poor?
S: NO!
L: Are you calling my dad a wino? Are you calling my dad a wino though? My dad ain't even a wino. He ain't even a wino,
S: Look, this is supposed to just be a nice Q and A for McFly. I'm sure your dad is a lovely man and not a pikey wino.
I'm sorry, we need to move on. I don't think we can just carry on with this nonsense, this is for Comic Relief. McFly have
done a lovely single. It's for Africa.
L: Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered, though? Do I look bovvered?
S: Pass the microphone on.
L: Am I bovvered, though, Look at my face, does it look bovvered, though? Look at my face. Look at my face. Look at my
face, though.
S: I'm looking at your face.
L: Does any part of it look bovvered? Am I bovvered? Ask me if I'm bovvered. Go on, ask me if I'm bovvered. Ask me. Ask
me if I'm bovvered.
S: OK, I'll ask you if you're bothered. Are you bothered?
L: No, I ain't even bovvered.
S: But this is McFly...
L: But I ain't McBovvered. I ain't bovvered.
S: Right, I think it's just best if you pass the microphone on.
L: Do you think I'm bovvered? (Points at face) Face. Bovvered. Look. Face. Bovvered. Look. Face. Bovvered? Look. McFly?
Bovvered? I ain't bovvered.
S: LOOK, this is supposed to be a nice thing where McFly answer their fans' questions and I think you've really spoilt
it and should maybe just leave.
L: Do you think maybe I'm bovvered? (walks over to Danny of Mcfly)
Will you sign my knee? (He obliges.)
You can't even spell.

Worst Band Name Ever? (Prague people look here...)

Get the llama song.