Check out the people who kick ultimate ass...

Most Haptastic Female In The Southern Hemisphere Award
Awarded to: Gen Early a.k.a. Moosey
She may be the only female I know in the Southern Hemisphere, but I have no doubt she's the most haptastic. :-P
I know Gen through her spectacular doings as Uber-Spork (uber-spork.deviantart.com), as I kept randomly poking for having
kick-ass music taste - System! Green Day! - and random display pictures featuring things like Marvin the Paranoid Android
and Mary Kate & Ashley... being exploded.
Gen's love of all things Hitchhiker's and hatred of all things George Bush already makes her incredibly haptastical, but to
top it all off she has also made some brilliant contributions to this site including mental Thesaurus'd stuff, SPAMCOP and
The Seven Wonders. In short, Moosey rules. Where would New Zealand be without her?

Captain Sensible
Most Random Guy On The Face Of The Planet Award
Awarded to Rob Allen a.k.a. Kakbarnf or Captain Sensible
Creator of Foon.co.uk, Robin was guaranteed to get this award.
I met Robin at the four-yearly YMCA Convention in Prague in 2003 (don't worry, we're not in the YMCA. We were just tagging
along). From his humble beginnings at www.darksun.2ya.com, his empire blossomed into some kind of huge Pie-shaped thing. He
has driven the world mad with Hapland, made them scratch their heads in confusion at MCB and started off a worldwide craze
for yelling "PANG!" at the end of sentences (probably). He also happens to be the most original artist I've ever seen - it
takes real skill to be able to draw something no-one else could.
Rob appears to be single-handedly taking over the world. He's definitely the most random guy in it. :-P

Honourary "Being Really Awesome" Award
Awarded to Dan Cope a.k.a. Kwikxilvr
I think Dan can be pretty much entirely summed up in this poem I wrote about him:
Everybody loves Mr Dan!
Faster than a speeding ham
He plays guitar like a squid on speed!
He's always got his plectrums and his power lead
Quoting TGS is his forté
The ladies and valkyries just can't keep away
He's got emo hair but it's real kick-ass
In an awesomeness race there's no way he'd come last!
Everybody loves Mr Dan!
He's got more style than Superman
Likes the Hapfairy forum and rightfully so
He's got more talent than Britney's big toe!
Mr Dan, Mr Dan
He can do more than a spider can
His brilliance could take up a football pitch
There's not much more to say so QED, bitch!

The Chuckle Sisters
Most High Pitched Giggling Ever Done By Two People Award
Awarded to Alice Heiden and Katie Glanvill a.k.a. The Chuckle Sisters
I have never found anyone who laughs as much as these two.
A and K are just mad really. They spend a lot of time thinking about guys, shoes and shopping and yelling stuff in French
like "Ou est le armoire?!". They could easily be the next Trinny and Susannah if it weren't for the fact that they occasionally
go a bit insane and dress up as packets of crisps or get married to guitars.
They seriously can laugh.

Sexiest Canadian With A Cape Award
Awarded to Christian a.k.a. Spaz102
Christian would make a very good vampire, don'tcha think?
He's Canadian, quite a bit Italian and all-vegetarian, as well as being a devoted member of SPAMCOP. Christian writes funny
limericks on spaz102.deviantart.com, such as:
Sane frogs eat with their teeth
And then put them back in a sheath.
But my frog is weird,
It eats with it's beard
And sleeps with its top underneath.
haiku form!
sane frogs eat with teeth
than put them back in a sheath
but my frog is weird
it eats with its beard
because it sleeps upside down
there is no 6th line.
*glomps himself* *notices you staring* *sneaks up to you* *pokes your eye out and wears it like a ring* my precious... *smiles
in the creepiest way possible*
*eats his frog's beard* mmmm "pretty good... for a brunette" *rides his unicycle out of the room while talking to a sparrow*
"cause this time it's alkatraz!
Basically, he's winning because he has sexy hair and wears a cape. :D

Stretchy The Rubber Fish
Most Bizarre Things Ever Said By One Person Award
Awarded to Peter a.k.a. Stretchy The Rubber Fish or Radioactive Dentist Woman
Peter: has never said a sensible sentence in his entire life, and talks to barbecues.
You can find all those completely insane things he said in The Top 20 sections.

Best Appearance In A Shark Hat Award
Awarded to Lois Barker a.k.a. Possum
Lois really wore that hat with pride. The "Middle Age Has Never Looked So Good" balloon went well also.
Lois is a very friendly person and she generally just rules. She also gets a special mention for her starring role in our
cult Prague movie, "Say 1 2 Triangle And Die", in which she played the evil monster with a camera in front of her face and
a tea towel on her head.

Most Reptiles Kept In One Bedroom Award
Awarded to Yasmin Douglas a.k.a. Yasmini
Yasmin has far more pets than should be possible! Geckos, chameleons, a praying mantis... How very strangely awesome.
Yasmin also has a brilliant talent for drawing funny pictures of emos and people from Footballers' Wives. She would also like
a pet Sugar Glider (look it up on Google) and invents random songs like "I'm a dancing lollipop".
I'm a dancing lollipop
Sitting in the sun
I'm a toasty bun...
She was also proud owner of the first bottle of "Emonade".
In short, Yasmin is brilliant - without her, science lessons would really suck. :-P

Best Random Guy Off A Forum Award
Awarded to Shortbread a.k.a... More Shortbread.
Shortbread is not, contrary to popular belief, actually a piece of Shortbread. He is in fact a wererabbit and superhero.
Shortbread hails from the Australian town of St Foster's where he spends his time playing the didgeridoo and wearing a hat
with corks on it. He often spends time with his best friend Seamus O'Seamus, an Irish leprechaun with a passion for shamrocks.
Shortbread has made it his mission to save the world from sanity and igorance by, erm, being random and clever. It's a good
approach. At night time he inexplicably turns into a jackrabbit and can be found lurking in the Foon Forum, trying to beat
off the Hapland obsessives with a sharp stick and a haddock. He is an established member of the Hapfairy forum where he astonishes
everyone with his Hapfairy knowledge, and probably gets bored of me pretending to sterotype him.
Sorry, Shortbread. I love you really. :P

Honourable Mention (Because I Can): Ben
Because he's the best. <3
© HapFairy Productions 2003-2007 and beyond!, SCE