
Warning: do not use this guide unless you're really stuck, come on, at least try it for yourself a bit!
Handy hint: When you see something written about *TIMING* it's best to read the whole paragraph before carrying out the
actions, as there is some tricky timing needed to get the process right!
Ok, to begin this one you're looking for our first stick man, let's call him Doug. He's stood on the left, underneath
a green roof and a washing line with a carrot dangling from it. Click on the carrot now and Doug will munch on it.
Next, click on him and move to the right. Look down below him to see another stick guy (Arnold) with a lever. Click on
him three times so that he pulls the line round and brings another carrot.
*NOW FOR SOME TIMING!* Click on the carrot but just before Doug eats it, click the brown plank on the TOP of he crate
below. If timed just right, it will hit him and the carrot will fly into the cave below. Watch out though, 2 pesky flies will
come out and try to eat the carrot, so click on them quickly before they get to it. The green spider will then be tempted
out of its hiding place and eat the carrot.
There are six things you need to do to prepare for the next bit:
1: Click Arnold with his lever 3 times again to return to the red arrow
2: Click the RIGHT HAND SIDE red arrow to spin it around
3: Click the underground switch on the right, i.e. the one to the left of the interrobang. For those who don't know what
an interrobang is, it's this: !?
4: Click the switch below the portal which the green spider just came out of, and the UFO will rise up
5: Click the wooden plank on the right of the crate so that it falls down
6: Now click the red arrow which is hanging from the washing line to make Doug move down next to the portal.
*BE QUICK WITH THAT TIMING!* Click the UFO and then immediately press the button on the RIGHT underneath the crate. A
spinning boulder thing will fall out. If you have timed it correctly, the UFO will abduct the boulder and then drop it onto
the mine, destroying it. Doug will run for the house and flush the toilet, which will cause the grey thing (definitely not
a sheep) to drop down.
Phew, ok, once you've done that, you need to drag Doug out of the bathroom by ringing the doorbell. Click him when he
gets out to make him jump back up to where he was, then click him once again to make him move left. Click Arnold's lever until
you get a blue shield, then prod the switch to the left of the green arrow below Doug. Also, prod the pipe above the door
on the left to make it bend upwards. When you click Arnold's lever again, he will get the idea to swim across to the other
side of the lake and stand by a new lever.
*OH DEAR, MORE TIMING!* Click the hovering UFO and it will fly up to the right hand side of the screen. Just before it
goes off, (i.e. about where the thing with spanner on is), quickly click the blue shield and then the lever where Arnold is
now standing. This will fire a missile that bounces off Doug's shield and explodes the UFO, which will drop some strange silvery
stuff that freezes the lake.
Repeat the last two steps (the shield then the left lever) twice more to fire a rock and a black spiky bomb thing into
the basket hanging from the tree. Then click on the grey blob directly above the left door where Arnold is, it will cause
Arnold to be returned to his old lever.
Click the middle of the crate and the wheel will spin, then click the left yellow button below it to spit out another
boulder. Don't worry, Arnold will duck. Click that switch on the left of the green arrow once again to return Arnold to his
lever duties. Pull the lever 3 times to make a red bomb appear on the line. Click the bomb and Doug will chuck it, unfreezing
the lake.
Next, poke that window at the top of the tree on the left. A carrot falls out. If you then click the spider web next to
the window, a little spider will drop town.
*TIMING, TIMING, TIMING!* Well, this bit isn't too hard really. Click the spider and then quickly click the bird underneath.
If you get it right, the spider will nick the bird's egg and a lot of interesting things will happen in a row (including lasers
and exploding things) and eventually you'll come up with a drained lake.
Click that switch next to the green arrow once more, then pull Arnold's lever and he will jump down to the newly exposed
lever below. Next you need to hover over the leaves one the right of the tree in the middle, your mouse should show that you
can click on them. Click on the leaves and some yellow fruit will fall out and break the UFO landing pad.
*A LITTLE BIT OF TIMING NEEDED!* Ring the bell outside the house on the right to bring the third man (I've named him Jim,
because he'll Fix It). While he's fixing the UFO thingy you need to click the door he came out of to shut it, so he gets locked
out and goes to stand by the red arrow.
Now you need to employ a bit of man-clicking:
1.Click Jim once and he'll climb the ladder that was created in the explosion.
2.Click Jim again and he'll torch the vine thing
3.Click Jim again and he'll jump down.
Ok, then you need to click the red arrow next to him until it points right. Then hit the small plank that he jumped up
to get up there (just before the UFO thingybob) to make it flip up. Then click the left side of the crate down in the cave
below to open it, and click Jim so that he jumps down.
*WATCH THAT TIMING, A LOT!* To finish the game you must make the magic doughnut potion/soup thing. Click Jim to make him
go into the crate, which he will ride out of on a bowl - you need to drop the doughnuts into the bowl. To do this you need
to click (a fraction before the bowl gets to them:
- The red blob thing in the ceiling
- Doug's lever in the pond
Done that? Well done. You'll see a button on it that says "DO NOT PUSH"; so erm, don't push it. The final thing
you have to do for FULL AWESOME COMPLETION (ahem, sorry, getting carried away there) is to click the spinny thing in the bottom
right which will flip the sign around to say push...
And now you're done! Hope you had fun.

